Your Backyard Vegetable Garden

Your Backyard Vegetable Garden

You will have your own ideas and preferences about what veggies to grow, this list is developed for people with minimal space for a yard vegetable garden, with a focus on crops that are simple to grow and costly to buy.

Tomatoes do best when their leaves are kept dry. A basic shelter can be constructed for clear plastic sheeting to cover the plants; the sides can be exposed. A layer of mulch will avoid rain spash from moistening the lower leaves, and will help keep moisture in the upper soil. While the transplants are growing in pots, till some green turf clippings into the soil where the tomatoes will be planted. This will warm the soil and offer the young seedlings a boost when transplanted.

Where winter season is mild, garlic is typically planted in the fall, prior to the frost. Garlic can also be planted in early spring. To collect, lift bulbs out when leaves die after plant flowers.

Peppers. Easy to grow, peppers are frequently started early in small pots and transplanted when it’s warm enough outside. Select off any little peppers that may form on transplants or the plant growth will be stunted. Select the green peppers as quickly as they reach size; this will promote new fruiting and increase the yield per plant. You can leave a couple of plants unpicked if you want the peppers to sweeten and redden or yellow; however, these plants will produce less peppers.

Onions and Leeks. Slow to develop, at 3 – 5 months, onions and leeks require moist soil with great drain. Purchase onion” sets’ or small bulbs which will reduce the time to maturity by 4 – 6 weeks. Plant onions early in the season and plant thickly. They secret to big bulbs is to supply heat early; this can be done by covering the shoots with a row cover or cloche, and tilling some green yard clippings into the soil prior to planting. Harvest when the onion tops turn yellow and wither.

Check out thisvideogallery for more information.

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